The MP series is characterized by a wide torque range, various sizes, great modularity thanks to multiple construction configurations, a wide range of gear ratios, two backlash classes and various optimized lubrications, which ensure high reliability and the most suitable response to various application requirements.
Types of configurations
Free input shaft
Right angle at the entrance
Right angle at exit
053, 060, 080, 105, 130, 160, 190
Gear ratios
Maximum radial force
200 … 14,000 N
Degree of protection
Input speed
Up to 6000 min-1
Standard clearance
Free input shaft
1-degree < than 10 arcmin
2-stage < than 10 arcmin
3-degree < than 12 arcmin
Rectangular “K”/”G”/”MB”
2-stage < than 10 arcmin
3-degree < than 10 arcmin
4-degree < than 12 arcmin
Torsional stiffness
1 … 130 Nm/arcmin
Standard; intended for the food industry
Smooth, grooveless shaft; splined shaft
Motor adapter; Full input shaft; without motor adapter